Did you know that today is national Gin and Tonic day?

I just saw that on Facebook.

And, while drinking in moderation isn’t going to cause you a whole lot of harm…

If you do choose to indulge, here are a few things you should know to help you enjoy the day and minimize the effects.

From the point of view of Classical Chinese Medicine, drinking too much alcohol will cause a buildup of Heat and Dampness.

To put it simply, we all know alcohol can make you have to use the bathroom.

Every time you do, more fluids leave your body.

When there’s none left, all that remains is fire; or in other words: Heat.

Excess Heat from alcohol consumption can lead to sweating, inflammation, loose stools, or dark urination.

In addition…

Alcohol can also cause an excess of Dampness.

By consuming more fluid than is necessary, your body is stuck looking for a place to put it.

That imbalance can often flood the digestive system.

Symptoms of excessive Dampness can include feeling bloated, excess gas, and a general feeling of heaviness throughout the body.

Add both of those up, and… what happens?

On one hand you feel very thirsty.

And on the other, you don’t want to drink any more.

All in all, it’s just not very pleasant.

So what can you do?

The best thing to avoid the double whammy of unpleasant symptoms, is to keep alcohol consumption to moderation.

If you love Gin and Tonics, and plan on having one today in celebration – that’s great!

You should always make time for things that truly bring you joy.

But, I’m also going to pull my Doctor card here and say this:

You should ALSO take this chance to give your Liver a little extra care.

Your Liver is the one in charge of breaking down all of that alcohol.

So make sure it has everything it needs.

Our Restore The Liver formula is a great choice if you’re just looking to support every day liver function.

The powerful, proprietary blend features Curcuma, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Milk Thistle, Bupleurum, and Schisandra. These are all known for supporting healthy Liver function.

Obviously, this is NOT a fix for excessive alcohol consumption.

But, it IS a good idea if you like to enjoy the occasional drink.

Take care of yourself!
Dr. George