The Confirmations Of
Ancient Wisdom

What we understand about the use of adaptogens for their therapeutic benefits typically comes from traditional practises that have been passed down through generations.

However, modern science and clinical research is taking an ever-increasing interest into the applications of these potent plants.

As a result, we’ve been gaining much greater understanding into how adaptogenic herbs promote endurance, energy, and health!

While research is still ongoing, here’s what we know.

Adaptogens contain a variety of naturally occurring compounds known as phytochemicals.

These compounds promote balance within the body, and have a pronounced effect on the body’s central stress response system.

Most of these phytochemicals can be divided into three types:
Terpenes, Polyphenols, and Polysaccharides

Terpenes typically strengthen the adrenal glands. This helps our bodies respond better to life’s most common stressors. These compounds also demonstrate anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating properties

Polyphenol compounds possess antioxidant properties which help to slow down visible signs of aging. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals from the body cells and mitigate the damage caused by oxidation.

Adaptogens containing polysaccharides promote natural immune function, while also assisting with overall energy and vitality.

Interested in finding more info?

These three types only begin to scratch the surface of adaptogens

There is so much more to explore when it comes to the abilities of these potent plants to nurture and preserve our health and longevity!

We provide a wide variety of adaptogenic tonics here at Jing Herbs, but there are two I wanted to touch on in particular, Astragalus and Eleuthero.

Astragalus provides quick energy, supports the immune system, helps digestive function, and is considered one of the most important longevity tonic herbs.

Eleuthero is a supreme adaptogenic herb for enhancing physical and mental endurance. It nourishes the Kidneys and is beneficial for anyone experiencing general weakness or lack of vitality.

Each are amazing tonics for maximizing energy, minimizing everyday stress, and keeping your adaptability at its best.

Be well,

Dr. George