Ready to sit back, relax, and
soak up some Yang?

Have you heard of the “sunshine vitamin?”

Obviously, it’s important to get some fresh air and soak up some sun for at least a short time each day.

However, the extent of just HOW important it is has been less widely understood.

I thought it was a good time to shine a little light on a slightly different perspective on the matter.

Calcium: The Easy Way, or…

Your body relies on calcium for a vast number of basic functions.

The proper circulation of blood, movement of muscles, regulation of hormones, and of course bones and teeth all require this precious mineral for optimal performance.

Unfortunately, if enough calcium isn’t absorbed through the diet…

The body will naturally source it from other places – those places being bones.

Bone Health Also Requires A Balance

Everybody knows you need calcium for strong bones, but what about phosphorus?

Healthy bones require both. You need the right amount of both calcium and phosphorus to ensure bone health is at its best.

Phosphorus plays an important role in building proteins for use in the body, and is also involved in energy production.

Proper Absorption Depends On One Vitamin…

What does all of this have to do with the “sunshine vitamin?”

As you may have known already; the sun is the main way our body is able to produce Vitamin D.

Usually when people talk about having a Vitamin D deficiency they’re focused mainly on the effects on mood – especially when seasonal changes come into play.

However, Vitamin D is also required for the body to properly absorb BOTH calcium and phosphorus.

The Easiest Way To Invigorate Yang

From the perspective of Classical Chinese Medicine, this mechanism for producing Vitamin D through sunlight was classified as a way to invigorate Yang energy.

Yang energy is one component of our first treasure: Jing. Anything classified as Yang is involved with things like movement, functionality, energy, and motion.

When we talk about Jing, a lot of the time it concerns the Kidneys, but…

The most important thing to remember here is that when we say “Kidneys”,  what we really mean is the entire Kidney/Adrenal system.

The Kidney/Adrenal system also involves:

  • Growth and maturation
  • Hair health
  • Bones and marrow
  • Healthy fluid generation
  • Passion and energy
  • Libido
  • Sharp sense of hearing

Nourishing The System As A Whole

While getting in your 10 minutes of sun each day is the easiest way to invigorate Yang energy, it’s only one small piece of a much larger system.

To truly benefit from soaking up some rays and ensure that the Kidneys are working at maximum efficiency, you’ll need more than just sunlight.

That’s where the use of tonic herbs comes in.

In the same way that sunlight invigorates Yang energy in the body, many natural solutions have been found to do the same – and with a wider range of effect.

If you’ve been focusing on nourishing your warmth, passion, and activity, have a look at our collection of potent tonics and formulations for igniting your Yang energy.

Be well,

Dr. George