Wouldn’t it be nice
to live to 100, and have vibrant health?

…Or possibly even beyond?

Life seems to fly by and the passing days are a constant reminder that our time here is limited.

If you knew the secret to longevity, what would you do with your extra time?

Have you thought about it?

Then I have some good news for you.

Villagers in a region of China may have had it figured out for at least 600 years!

According to legend, inhabitants living near the Fangjing Mountain region were said to have much longer lifespans.

In fact, a large portion of them lived upwards of 100 years.

Your Body’s First Line Of Defense

Not many people know this, but your body naturally produces five vital antioxidants.

And, these antioxidants are your body’s first line of defense against the ravages of free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals in your body. They react with vital proteins and DNA inside cells – damaging their structure.

Antioxidants protect you by sacrificing themselves to the free radicals in place of the vital cell components.

The antioxidants produced by your own body are hundreds, and even thousands of times MORE powerful than any antioxidants you get through diet or supplements.

But, there’s a problem…

Production of These Antioxidants Begins to Decline with Age.

Of the 5 natural antioxidants produced in the body, arguably one of the most crucial is called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).

SOD is responsible for disarming one of the most dangerous, and most common, free radicals: highly reactive superoxide radicals.

Unfortunately, your ability to produce SOD, along with other vital antioxidants, declines with age.

And to make matters worse, SOD is destroyed in the stomach making it near impossible to increase levels through diet alone.

Gynostemma: Putting the Tea in Immortality

It seems the people of those remote regions of China may have stumbled upon something special.

The villages of legend regularly drank a tea made from the leaves of a plant indigenous to the mountainous areas.

That plant was Gynostemma, long hailed as the “Herb of Immortality.”

And recently, scientists have been praising it for its unique ability to boost the body’s production of SOD.

Multiple human clinical trials have focused on this effect.

Some examples of studies are:

  • One human clinical trial with 610 healthy middle and advanced age patients, aged 50 to 90 years old, showed that SOD levels returned to their youthful levels after only one month of daily intake of 20 mg of gypenosides (the main active ingredients in Gynostemma)! (1)
  • Two follow-up studies at Guiyang Medical College with 80 human patients aged 42-55. The studies found that 10mg of Gynostemma and Chinese Salvia root extracts twice a day for 5 months increased levels of SOD in their red blood cells by 34.1% on average. The SOD boosting effects was found to be solely caused by Gynostemma. (2,3)
  • In another 2-month double-blind experiment at the Shanghai Institute of Geriatrics, 51 elderly patients were administered 60mg of Gynostemma gypenosides daily for 2 months, while a control group of 40 patients were given a placebo. This study too found a significant increase in SOD levels and significant decrease in cell damage from oxidation. (4)

Gynostemma’s powerful antioxidant, longevity, and adaptogenic properties are what make it a great first step towards achieving long-term improvement to your health and vitality.

Try it today, and experience the wide array of benefits Gynostemma can offer!

To your longevity,

Dr. George