Why Is “Detox” So Popular In The Spring?
(Plus, a seasonal recipe for nourishing Qi!)
I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of articles all over the internet talking about how important it is to cleanse your body of toxins…
While also claiming that their restrictive diet plan or 7-day juice cleanse is the key to flushing out those toxins and improving your health.
They’re right when they discuss the importance of keeping your body free of toxins, but you don’t need to participate in a detox program to do that!
Your Liver’s already putting in the hard work to cleanse your body.
Simply put, your Liver is the main organ of detoxification. It filters everything that you eat or drink, whether it’s food, medicine, or a cup of tea.
Your Liver works very hard to keep you healthy; getting rid of everything your body doesn’t need. Additionally, your Liver controls your hormonal balance, cholesterol levels, and weight.
The Liver even possesses the remarkable capacity to regenerate itself. How amazing is that?!
You don’t need to “cleanse” your body when your Liver is already doing that.
A healthy Liver brings about the smooth flow of Qi, the vital force flowing throughout our bodies.
Because the Liver is associated with the spring, it’s important to nourish its energy throughout the season to help it function at its best to cleanse and direct your Qi.
To live according to the energy of the seasons is to live in harmony with nature. As such, we should aim to adjust our diet and lifestyle to reflect these seasonal changes.
Spring is the season of rejuvenation and growth. Seeds are sprouting and flowers are blooming, bringing about a sense of new life.
Conveniently, the first types of edible greens that sprout in the spring are also incredibly nourishing and cleansing for the Liver Qi!
We use them in this recipe for a delicious seasonal salad!

All of nature works to provide us with everything we need, because we are part of nature – we just have to tune into it.
Spring is the time of rebirth, when the earth’s energies begin to stir and we see the signs of new growth rise around us.
Yang influences are being reborn both in nature, and your body, resulting in our Qi ascending and becoming more active.
During The Spring, Its Energy Reaches A Peak!
Ensuring that Qi energy gets where it needs to go is a vital process for the proper functioning of all of the body’s organ systems.
Supporting the health of your Liver in the Spring can help to maintain this vital process.
When the Liver is functioning smoothly, physical and emotional energy can flow freely.
If you feel you could use some extra help, try our Restore the Liver formula to ensure that your Liver has the tools it needs to operate efficiently and keep your Qi flowing.
Each of the twelve carefully selected herbs in this formula is powerful in its own right, but when combined the result is an all-natural powerhouse in liver support.
Be sure to sustain the flow of your energy heading into the more active months of the year.
Be well,
Dr. George