Maintaining healthy reserves of Jing is essential for nurturing longevity, inspiring creativity, and promoting vitality.

It’s the purest, most condensed form of life energy.

Jing is the essence of life and serves as our deepest reserves of energy; granting us the ability to press forward, even when we’ve depleted our day-to-day energy (Qi).

However, burning through Jing is far from a good thing!

We only have a limited amount of this treasured essence, and as it fades eventually – so do we.

This consistent depletion is what’s commonly referred to as a “leaking” of our precious life energy.

Increased visible signs of aging, becoming weaker and more frail, more aches and pains, eyesight worsening, and a foggy memory are all possible signs that one may be excessively leaking Jing.

So, how did this leaking start?

While it’s natural for Jing to be worn down over time by simply living our lives, there are many ways we expend much more than is necessary.

Through awareness of where, how, and why we’re depleting our essence; we also discover the ways we can adjust our lifestyle to slow or stop it.

Which is why we’ve put together a list of the most common ways people unknowingly leak their Jing.

#1: When Emotions Are Expressed in Excess

It’s well known that almost all forms of stress are taxing on our Jing, but it isn’t just stress that can do this.

Any strong feelings will expend our emotional energy, and prolonged exposure will begin to draw upon our Jing to return us to balance.

While those with good adaptability are better able to handle coping with the stressors we face each day; they still chip away at our vital essence.

#2 Harmful Habits and Draining Lifestyles

In the pursuit of “living life to the fullest” some lose sight of what that phrase means; making lifestyle choices that can compromise our health and drain Jing.

Choices like:

  • Overworking yourself to finish a project or study for a test.
  • Making time by substituting sleep for caffeine and other stimulants.
  • Going out and partying until the crack of dawn.
  • Engaging in excessive sexual activity

To truly live the fullest life we can, we need to preserve the essence that keeps us alive. Because If we try to live like there’s no tomorrow, eventually, there won’t be.

#3 The Leakages We Can’t See

In some cases, less obvious factors may be playing a role in our leaking Jing. Sometimes we may not even be aware that it’s happening.

Our bodies are constantly defending ourselves against external invasions and internal imbalance, but the resources used to do so all subtly wear down our Jing with time.

Pollution in the air, in our water, and food can also put extra pressure on our systems, damaging Jing.

If you’re leaking Jing, don’t call a plumber. Call your herbalist!

Much in the way a faulty pipe is fixed – our first goal in resolving a leakage of Jing is to identify where, how, and why energy is being depleted, and putting a plug in it.

However, this is only the start of the recovery process.

Once the leak has been plugged, what remains is to restore functional balance and energy to the affected organs that were depleted of Jing.

This is primarily done through the use of specialized tonic formulas which tonify the cooling, nourishing, healing energy of our bodies, known as Yin. As well as Yang, our warming, active, physical energy.

When our Yin and Yang are in balance, we nurture our ability to protect and conserve Jing, one of our most valuable treasures.

The Tonic Trio For Perfect Balance

Like sunshine peeking through the window, Restore the Yang warms and fills us with a boost of energy to start our day strong!

If you have a physically demanding lifestyle, or are often feeling cold. This formula is sure to ignite your fire!

For more well-rounded support, Restore the Jing is a balanced formula that helps to activate and sustain your Jing throughout the day.

It’s a great tonic to take in the morning and afternoon to keep you charged and ready to go; fuelling your passion, motivation and strength.

Rehmannia 6 is a replenishing tonic that puts energy back into the body. It’s perfect for recharging, especially during sleep. As this is the time our body does most of its healing.

By nourishing the core essence of your being, you support the foundation of a healthy, happy life.

Care for your Jing and it will care for you.

Be well,

The Jing Herbs Team